Meet Ekanos – the Complete FAA AMT-ACS Solution

Mar 31, 2022

We are proud to announce the launch of Ekanos, the next-generation e-book solution designed for aircraft maintenance technician training based on the complete FAA AMT-ACS Curriculum!

Unlike conventional training materials, Ekanos eBooks feature interactive and engaging features for the students! Ekanos eBooks contain animations such as aircraft engines functioning, hydraulic system schematics operating, and so much more. In addition, the reader can perform virtual practices like using a maintenance tool and performing procedures and experiments, all within the e-book. Ekanos eBooks integrate these great simulations and interactive features into the text.

We have developed Ekanos so that aircraft maintenance training schools in the US have access to the best-in-class technology training medium that would interest the new generation of students and aid in making their training more accessible and practical. The curriculum of Ekanos has been developed and verified by experienced subject matter experts to ensure the most accurate portrayal and delivery of content.

Ekanos has complete courses, including General, Airframe, and Powerplant, as per the FAA AMT-ACS curriculum.

In addition to the embedded simulation and interaction, if required by the end-users, Ekanos e-books can also offer ad hoc Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) activities. The Ekanos e-book solution and any additional AR/VR activities can be distributed entirely or modularly and accessed 24/7 on a PC or tablet.

ARCS Aviation has officially partnered with ATEC to ensure the best delivery of Ekanos to the aircraft maintenance training community. We are grateful for a great partnership with ATEC and look forward to seeing Ekanos in the hands of students, positively impacting the future generations of aircraft maintenance technicians!

Check out the Ekanos website to see a video demonstration of our eBooks!